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       There are also many travel hacks and tips online. They are very useful when you're traveling. A few really good hacks are from One is to pack a dryer sheet in your suitcase. It will make your clothes smell fresh when you get to your destination. Another useful hack, from, is to roll your clothes when packing. This conserves space in the suitcase so that you can pack more. Another really good hack is from It is to use binder clips to fold and organize your phone chargers. Also, they say to store them all in a sunglasses case. I use this hack when I travel and it is very helpful.

       Although, when traveling, there are hacks that you forget and you run into a problem. We lost our car in the parking lot. We were so tired and we almost gave up. But, when my dad clicked the panic button we found the car. This whole problem could’ve easily been solved in the beginning. We should’ve just looked for the sign where we parked and then we wouldn’t have had to worry about it. The easiest hack to think of but we forgot it. 

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